Animosity Campaigns
Where narrative comes to play
Season 6 - Shattered Dominion

From among the private correspondence of Ceraph Dariel, sovereign of Iscarion

My Lord Dariel, 

You will have read the reports from my expedition to Frørholm. This is no ordinary foe that we face; this battle will require everything we have and more. It humbles me greatly that you have accepted me into your service alongside Renaya, and I would request that you listen to my advice, undesirable as I am. You are wise to seek allies beyond the borders of the Prime Dominion, and I have made contact with one such prospect, although he is quite unlike any general under your command. He is known as Qarang Sarn, the Basalt Lord, and he holds no love for Gorkamorka’s rabble. I would understand if you baulk at this yet there may be common cause, as Mogrek has slain his prized pupil, the Warden Atressa’s equerry. 

Should this alliance be of interest to you, I shall make all haste in arranging negotiations. Your people have shown great tolerance, for the works of Chaos are foul compared to the majesty and grace of you and yours. I know you barely accepted me, lowly as I am. But I was whelped in Ghur, in the shadow of the Mogrok’s Teeth Mountains. It is said that they formed at the passing of a beast so terrible and powerful that he tore the land asunder. I do not know that this was the same beast we face now, but Mogrok and Mogrek are not such different names, and the passing of ages leaves much obscured and changed.

I ask only that you consider my counsel and deliver a swift response.

Your most humble and obsequious servant,

Likspit, Underside Emissary

Scattered thoughts from the mind of an Ironjaw warchanter

I feel it, pounding in my head. Da beat. Da rhythm of da Realms. It flows through me, splits my skull and leaves me broken and raw. And oh, how I love it!

Been following da beat fer years now. More den I can count. Channeling it so dat others can feel it too. It's taken me all over, but it's all been leading here. Dis is what da beat’s been drawing me toward. My destiny, and it is loud. Mogrek, da big boss, is da loudest of all. When I stand near him I can feel da beat vibrating right through my bones, rattling my teef. Makes me want to hit something, which is good ‘cause wiv Mogrek there's no shortage of things to hit.

After Amasya I wandered into da wastes on my own, following da pounding. Met a strange lad named Hogrog on da banks of Lake Bykaal. He claimed to feel da Realms through story, but that wasn't right. The Realms speak through the beat. So I kept walking. Came across a place where da Realms were screaming as they bled. Only Orruk boss there cared more about trinkets than da voice of da realms, so I kept going. Did pick up my fancy new hat, but dere wasn't much else fer me.

Den I arrived at da island where da beat froze. Fer da first time in my life, da world was silent, and da pain was gone, and I hated it. So I tried to find out what was doing it before it did my head in. Didn't take long, because da other folks krumping each other dere woke it up. The heart. It was like da Realms came back to life wiv two, three… uh… lots of times the ferocity they had before. Because there was da big boss. Da biggest Orruk I've ever seen, Mogrek. And he didn't just feel da beat of the Realms, he was da beat of da Realms. He was da eye of da storm, drawing me in fer all these years, since well before me and my mates in da Skoga Grakk bashed in da Hallowed Necropolis. It’s like walking side by side wiv Gorkamorka, brought back to da realms again.

So I snagged a ride off da crumbling island wiv my new mate Moonie, and we followed da beat together. We’re still following dat beat, dat con-floo-ence. Mogrek Longblade, da one who'll break da gates of Azyr.

And oh boy, it will be fun. Look out Prime Dominion, Wapkagut’s a-coming!

VI Shattered Dominion