Animosity Campaigns
Where narrative comes to play
Season 6 - Shattered Dominion


The Troggwood

A tangled briar of labyrinthine pathways, punctuated by groves surrounded by gigantic fungi that glow with a menacing luminescence. The soil is always damp and the air is thick with drifting clouds of spores. The distant insane cackling of unseen grots echoes through the groves.


A duardin brewery built into the cliffs at the foot of the mountains, where pure cold water tumbles down a steep waterfall. The exterior is sooty, blackened stone covered with intricate carvings of roaring flames. It can be assumed that inside the air is warmed by the boilers, the aroma of hop and malt blending with the scent of molten metal. Casks upon casks of ale are probably lined against the walls, each bearing the sigil of the brewery.


Runefall, a new-built Dawnbringer Strongpoint, stands proudly at the edge of the jagged cliffs. Intricately carved, lion rune-engraved walls and noble Guardian Idols stand watch around the perimeter of the strongpoint pulsate with a faint blue glow, emanating a low hum that resonates with the power of the realm beneath your feet. Geomantic power: drawn through a Nexus Syphon in the centre of the settlement.


This Dawnbringer settlement sprawls out around a massive aqualith. Purifying waters stream from the floating stone. The domiciles built around it have skillfully-carved sea creatures and swirling waves winding round their columns and doorways. Building work looks almost complete, only a few structures now wait to be finished. But it is empty, as if the whole place was abandoned at a moment’s notice: tools left next to piles of materials, furniture and food untouched.

Breakspear Castle

The massive stone walls of Breakspear castle loom over the island, seemingly forged from the heart of Aqshy. The stone exterior radiates heat in pulsating waves. Rumours insist that it was built around a shard of The Spear of Mallus, and that whoever controls the castle can use it to influence the future of the region.


There is no sign of a Penumbral Engine here, but none-the-less it has all the hallmarks of a Stormvault. The Sigmarite iconography is clearly from another age. There may not be hidden caches of powerful artefacts but the site is still a nexus of powerful geomantic ley lines.


Ironbound malefic gates stand at the entrance to a bastion of the dark gods, branded with chaotic sigils and etched with the screams of countless souls.

The Scorchbrass dreadhold looms over a barren landscape, its towering spires and jagged walls casting dark shadows below. The air crackles with hideous energy, arcs of dark power randomly leaping between the twisted metal structures.


This sinister stronghold is made of volcanic rock and seems to reflect light of a different colour to its surroundings. Its strange, angular fortifications cast long shadows over the craggy and unwelcoming landscape.

The Foreteller’s

This forsaken place was once a site of great power. Dozens of dilapidated ancient structures of crumbling stone and twisted metal jut from the scorched landscape.


A labyrinth of ruined stone structures, once grand but now decaying and overgrown with ivy and moss. Inside, a thick haze of steam from nearby geysers hangs in the air, giving the broken townscape an eerie, dreamlike feel.


A swirling vortex of raging winds and crackling energy creates an otherworldly atmosphere around an open “cut” in reality. Through this rent the hidden truth can be seen - a Stormvault’s Penumbral Engine is failing badly. The chamber within has been concealed since the Age of Myth, but how long can the contents remain untouched now?

Stonethorn Wold

A network of interconnected treehouses, nestled high within the canopies of towering Wyldwoods. Among the branches, vibrant tapestries of woven vines and hanging lanterns create a colourful, ethereal ambiance. At the heart of the enclave, a massive tree trunk has been hollowed out to form a bustling marketplace, where various traders and artisans display their wares and talents, enticing adventurers with dazzling trinkets and whispered rumours of distant lands.

VI Shattered Dominion